Eßen, Trinken, Tanzen, Freunde Machen, Spaß Machen!

Austin Saengerrunde
Established 1879
The Maennerchor meets every Monday evening to sing, socialize, and sip some suds.
Our Mondays nights are a bit of hard work and a lot of fun. Under the guidance of our esteemed conductor, Chris Oelkers, we make our way through 8 -10 german language songs in styles from rowdy drinking songs to Mozart’s sweetest melodies.
We frequently have cookouts on our rooftop before rehearsals, and we always have cold beer on tap to help loosen our vocal chords.
Although we sing in German, it is not a requirement that you speak the language. We get excellent instruction on German pronunciation as we go through our rehearsals.
If you’d like to join us, come out and give it a try. Fill out the contact form to let us know you are coming.