Eßen, Trinken, Tanzen, Freunde Treffen, Spaß Machen!

Austin Saengerrunde
Established 1879
Austin Saengerrunde was established in 1879 by German immigrants to sing and enjoy friends. We continue the tradition today while celebrating the German culture through singing, dancing, festivals, parties, beer, wine, and food.

Today the Saengerrunde includes our Maennerchor (Men’s choir), Damenchor (Women’s choir), a bowling league in our historic lanes. We host Austin’s best Oktoberfest in partnership with Scholz Beer Garden, Maifest, a New Years Eve Gala, and many concerts, dinners, and dances throughout the year.
We have a wonderful facility including our large dance hall and our historic bowling alley. Facilities are available for weddings, parties, team building events, business meetings and conferences. Click here for more information.
Come to one of our many public events, including Austoberfest, Christmas Concert, New Years Eve Gala, and Maifest.
The Maennerchor and Damenchor meet Monday nights from 7:00pm to 8:30pm for rehearsals.